Post Jam Patch - 1.01


Since the Jam I've made a few updates to the game. These updates are designed to NOT impact gameplay, and therefore not affect previous records. The changes are limited to visual updates, QoL changes, and bugfixes.

Visual Updates

- Added a new win screen

- Changed leaderboard font and alignment

- Changed 'Enter Name' text alignment

Quality of Life Updates

- Made wall jumping easier by adding a wall jump buffer window

- Added the option to use the CTRL key for slash (CTRL is now the default). The key can still be used.

- In Level 5, the enemy fireball used to boost up to a platform will now respawn if killed.


- Fixed audio bug when character's head would collide with a ceiling.

- Fixed leaderboard bug where player name would not be saved on first play.

- Fixed leaderboard bug where the leaderboard would take a few seconds to load.

Files Play in browser
45 days ago

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